Course Title

Curso De Concientización De Seguridad Infantil

Spanish Support Staff Course Sample

Five Parts of the Course

Types of Abuse

English Spanish
Emotional Abuse
Abuso Emocional
Physical Abuse
Abuso Físico
Sexual Abuse
Abuso Sexual

Translator: Adriana Flores

Reviewer: Laura Casas

Spanish Certificate of Completion

Spanish Child Protection Training Certificate

Course Title

Nivel 1 – Capacitación en Protección Infantil Fundamental para Educadores

Spanish Educators Course Demo

Learning Objectives

Case Studies

PreSchool - Spanish


Primary School - English

Escuela Primaria

Secondary School - English

Escuela Secundaria

Whole School - English

Escuela entera

Translator: Adriana Flores

Spanish Certificate of Achievement

Level 1 - Fundamental Child Protection Training for Educators Certificate - SPANISH

Course Title

Capacitación de Protección Infantil para Miembros de la mesa directiva, Dueños, y Altos dirigentes.

Spanish Leaders Course Demo

Learning Objectives

Instructional Focus

Child Protection Governance - SPANISH
Child Protection Leadership - SPANISH
Child Protection Management - SPANISH

Translator: Adriana Flores

Spanish Certificate of Achievement

Child Protection Training for Board Members, Owners, and Senior Leaders Certificate - SPANISH

Tutorial Title

Tutorial de Protección Infantil para Padres

Spanish Parent Tutorial Demo

Objectives of the Tutorial

Our Shared Child Protection Values

Translator: Adriana Flores

Spanish Sample Webpage

Our Child Protection Training in Spanish courses were written by Child Safeguarding experts and translated by native speaking educators. The language and instructional content are designed to meet the learning needs of mother tongue Spanish speakers who work with children in schools, companies, charities, NGOs, and other organizations.

Take a look at the list of Countries and Languages that supports. 


Purchase credits to start your Child Protection training today.

What Customers Say About

Director, Commission on International EducationNew England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC)

All NEASC schools are held to a high standard for child protection and safeguarding policies, practices, procedures, and impacts. We expect everybody in a learning community to take responsibility. We appreciate the important training tool that offers to schools, and indeed support all efforts to promote such training and awareness in schools.