Recognition Program​ Recognized Organization Program

The Recognition Program recognizes schools and companies for their commitment to protecting children from child abuse.

To become recognized, schools and companies are required to train their staff in Child Abuse Prevention and to meet standards of practice in Child Protection.

Share Your Child Protection Commitment

Recognized organizations share their commitment to Child Protection to people inside and outside their communities.

Recognized Program - Employees, Volunteers, and Vendors
Employees, Volunteers, and Vendors
Recognized Program - Parents
Current and Prospective Parents
Recognized Program - Students
Recognized Program - Social Media and Webpage Visitors
Social Media Followers and Website Visitors
Recognized Program - Community
The Entirety of the Organization Community
Recognized Program - Accreditation Agencies
Accreditation Agencies
Recognized Program - Government
Local and Government Officials

Recognized organizations broadcast a clear warning message to potential abusers.

Program Benefits Recognition Program Benefits Recognition Program Benefits Recognition Program Benefits

Recognized organizations receive:

  • A personalized Recognized Organization webpage on
  • A recognition plaque shipped directly to the organization
  • Personalized logos for the organization website, publications, and social media
    Note: All QR codes direct to the organization’s Recognized Organization webpage
  • Inclusion in communications

Our Recognized Organizations

We are proud to recognize 64 organizations across 30 countries.

Since 2023

Since 2022


Purchase credits to start your Child Protection training today.

What Customers Say About

Vice President for School Startups, Management and Operations,International Schools Services (ISS)

The safeguarding of children in our care is vital to all schools. The ChildSafeGuarding team has developed a great approach and platform to ensure that all school community members are aware of the responsibility to ensure every child is safe and cared for at school. We recommend the Child Safeguarding Awareness Course to all our ISS schools because it is effective, easy to access on-line, and comes in so many languages. Thanks to Matt Harris and the entire ChildSafeGuarding Team for developing this on-line solution for our schools to help us keep our students safe.